The Hamar Tribe in Southwestern Ethiopia is one of the most unique of the African tribes. Although numbering over 40,000, they constitute only a small percentage of Ethiopia’s population. Even the handful of Hamar who live in urban communities resists formal education as being incompatible with their way of life. Ninety percent of the Hamar are Sunni Muslim. They live in camps made up of a number of families, with their tents or reed huts arranged in a circle. Men breed goats, cows and sheep. Women tend to food cultivation raising pumpkins, maize, sesame, beans and sorghum. Butter and cheese are also part of their diet. Women are also responsible for carrying the water to the home, often from long distances. Men are also involved in taking care of beehives to produce honey. Raids are common, particularly to secure the cattle from enemy tribes in the area. In the process, enemies are often killed, and any arsenal of weapons seized is considered an added bonus. Weapons, especially rifles, are commonplace here in the illegal arms trafficking which filters here from Sudan. Killing someone from another tribe is a badge of honor and manhood.