The Pueblo of Jemez is an independent sovereign nation with an independent government and tribal court system. The Tribal Government is set up to include several layers of checks and balances to govern effectively and manage ancestral ideals. It is comprised of a Tribal Council, the Jemez Governor, two Lt. Governors, two fiscales, and a sheriff. The second Lt. Governor also maintains the postion of the governor of the Pueblo of Pecos. Traditional matters are still handled through a separate governing body that is rooted in prehistory. This traditional government includes the spiritual and society leaders. The Jemez People have managed to preserve their traditional culture, religion, and knowledge of their ancient traditional ways despite numerous outside pressures to change over the past four centuries. They have also been able to preserve their complex traditional language. Their language, known commonly as the "Towa" language, is only spoken by the Jemez Pueblo people and nowhere else in the world. The traditional law of Jemez Pueblo forbids their language from being translated into writing.  This is done in an effort to prevent the exploitation and/or adulteration of the language by outside cultures.