The Rendille Tribe is a community which primarily herds camels and sheep. They occupy the region in Northern Kenya south of the Chalbi Desert. They number about 64,000 in Kenya. In this dry climate and harsh environment, life expectancy is only 40 years. There are nine primary clans within the Rendille tribe, each having several family sub-divisions. When there is an issue to be addressed, the leaders of each clan come together to form a committee. However, there is no official leader over the entire tribe itself. The language of the Rendille is similar to the Somali language. This suggests that they were related with the Somali culture prior to migrating to the Lake Turkana region in 1000 BC. Today in Kenya, the tribe members primarily speak the Rendille language. However, Swahili and English are also spoken. The tribe tends to have an insular and guarded attitude with respect to outsiders, but this may be due to their determination to safeguard their traditions and way of life. For example, they strongly resisted conversion to the Muslim religion, despite several other tribes who willingly joined. In the traditional religion of the Rendille, the Supreme Being is called “Wakh”. They have no auxiliary gods, and share a clearly monotheistic conception of religion. This suggests that this tribe may have evolved, through Cushite roots, from the Jewish religion. This is particularly the case of the Rendille ritual celebration called “Sorio”, in which a sheep is slaughtered, and its blood is used to smear the forehead and chests of the males in the home, as well as the doorways and entry. This appears to relate to the ritual and account of the Jewish Passover. Also, on the occasion of the new moon, the oldest son blows a horn, and the family smears red ochre paint on their faces. This appears to correlate in some respects with the “Birkat HaLevana” invocation or “Blessing of the New Moon” in Jewish practice. This recognizes God’s presence as the Shekinah, manifest at the time of the new moon. The horn may be the equivalent of the Jewish “shofar”.