The Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska. The Sac and Fox tribes have historically been closely allied, and continue to be in the present day. They speak very similar Algonquian languages, which are sometimes considered to be two dialects of the same language, rather than separate languages. Thakiwaki and Sakiwaki mean "people coming forth from the water".Their current lands were part of the larger, historical Sac and Fox Reservation of 1867-1891, which was 480,000 acres and established by the United States to provide land to the tribes. By the late 19th century, US policy changed again. Under the Dawes Act of 1887, these tribal land holdings were divided into 160-acre allotments for individual households, intended to encourage the Indians to establish subsistence farming according to the European-American cultural ways. Not only did the act not recognize Native American culture, but in many places in this arid land, the allotments were too small to be farmed successfully. Their land was allotted under a June 12, 1890 agreement with the Cherokee Commission. Individual commissions were set up to manage the allotment of lands of various tribes in Indian Territory. Land remaining after the allotments was declared "surplus" by the US and sold, primarily to non-Natives. Under the related Curtis Act of 1893, the tribal government and its institutions were dismantled.