The Xhosa tribe primarily resides in South Africa.  The Xhosa and European white settlers first encountered one another around (present day) East London in 1686 when survivors of a wrecked ship swam ashore to the African coast.  The Ship's name was the 'Stavenisse' and its crew was compassionatley taken in as guests by then Xhosa Tribe under the order of their then chief tribal elder "Togu". Nearly a century later in the late 1700's Afrikaner trekboers began to migrate outwards from Cape Town. They came into conflict with Xhosa pastoralists around the Great Fish River region of the Eastern Cape. Following more than 20 years of intermittent warfare, from 1811 to 1812, the Xhosas were forced east by the British Empire in the Third Frontier War. In the years following, many tribes found in the north eastern parts of South Africa were pushed west into Xhosa country by the expansion of the Zulus in Natal, as the northern Nguni put pressure on the southern Nguni as part of the historical process known as the "mfecane", meaning scattering. The Xhosa-speaking people received many of these scattered refugee tribes and assimilated them into their cultural way of life and followed Xhosa traditions