The San Tribe, also known as the “Bushmen”, are believed to be the oldest of all the tribes in Africa. This has been supported by DNA evidence. Initially they were hunter gatherers. The women primarily foraged for food, and the men hunted antelope. Discoveries of ancient tools which date to 40,000 BC mirror the tools still used by the San Tribes in the Kalahari Desert. For at least 20,000 years the San Tribe was a nomadic culture tending their large herds in the red sands of the Kalahari Desert. They lived primarily in Namibia and Botswana. Here they found plentiful game including hyenas, antelope and lions. These animals are depicted in richly colored rock paintings and petroglyphs left in these areas by the ancestors of the San tribe. Some of these rock paintings are also found at Drakensberg in South Africa. Today skilled San hunters use the same hunting techniques — bows and arrows and the setting of traps. There are many unique characteristics that set the San tribe apart from other African tribes. One of these is that they are gathered into clans without a formal leader. Group decisions are made by consensus and discussion.