The Lower Sioux Indian Community is a federally-recognized Indian tribe located in south central Minnesota in Redwood County, approximately two miles south of Morton. The Community Center is located on the southern bluffs of the Minnesota River Valley. Approximately 145 families live on 1,743 acres of tribal land. A total tribal population of 982 resides throughout a 10-mile service area and beyond.
While “Lower Sioux” was the name given to the  band and our homeland after treaties with the United States in 1851, members of the Lower Sioux Indian Community are part of the Mdewakanton Band of Dakota. The Dakota, which translates closely to “friend” or “ally” in our language, referred to our traditional Minnesota River Valley homeland as Cansa’yapi (where they marked the trees red). Pride in their history and their culture are the heart and spirit of everything they do. Today, the Lower Sioux Community has almost 930 enrolled members, more than half of who reside on Tribal lands.