The Himba tribe migrated to northwest Namibia from Angola in the 1600’s. The area they live in is Kaokoland, also called Kunene. They were part of the Herero Tribe originally, but split into two groups after coming to Namibia. At the end of the 19th century, when extreme drought occurred, some of the Hereros headed south for better grazing lands. The remaining people, who became the Himba, remained in the Kunene River region. Today there are about 40,000 Himba people. The Himba are very resistant to change in their traditions, and often live in harsh and isolated environments. Like the Hereros, a large number of the Himba people were also decimated by the German genocide of the Hereros in Namibia in the early 1900’s. Namibia did not receive independence until 1990.